Sunday 9 June 2013

100,000/ Day Free And Safe Automated Clicks and Impressions for your Website

get traffic

I have come out of lurking mode to show you guys a way to help manage your CTR very easily by getting safe free views to your blog (or website) This method involves a free “clicks” and “impressions” on your website from Ougos
1. Create blog or site.
2. Set up adsense ( or similar)
3. Signup to Ougos
Sign Up Here
Ougos Your Online Traffic Broker
4. Download and install the client browser Download client:
Download Here
5. Run the browser
a. Click surf -> setup
b. Type in "[YOUR USERNAME HERE]" so if your username is bhworld then the line should read...
c. Click ok
6. In the browser:
a. Click navigation -> "six"
b. Click tools -> UNCHECK "allow scripting"
This sets up the automation of earning credits - Just leave the OUGO browser open like this.
7. Go to Ougos website
8. Click "my links" then click"new site"
9. Fill out the field
a. Website: Put the url to the site you want to link to,
Remember this can be anything...
b. User may see site every day x times: put as a random number (i personally put 15 as its safe)
c. Website is avaiable from hour X up X: just leave blank d. Limit to visits per hour: i put 100 (you can up this later if you want to adjust your CTR)
e. Limit the visits per day: i put 500 (you can up this later if you want to adjust your CTR)
f. Show website to members from these countries: up to you, i selected all as it would give me a diverse array of traffic (the largest clicks comefrom russia, ukraine and united states)
g. Click save changes
10. Wait for your site to get approved (took me 2 hours toget approved)
After approval it automatically adds you to the pool and you begin to gain clicks! and as you are getting points from running the browser you gain the points needed for clicks!
11. Tell your buddies! The more people that join the more richer the variety of click locations! Remember to keep your CTR at most 4%, best is less than 2%.
Must post comments below.

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