Saturday 1 June 2013

Free Fake SMS in Pakistan

Fake SMS First Time in World

Fake SMS is a Software through which you can hide your Identity while sending a SMS. Suppose you are sending SMS to your Friend-1 from Friend-2's Number. Now the Friend-1 will think that Friend-2 has sent me SMS whereas SMS has been Sent by you, This is totally untrackable. All Processos Called SMS Spoofing.
We have introduced the Software through which you can send Fake SMS.

 It Has following Functions
  • Send SMS from any name to any name like  Police,Rescue,Honda,FB,Facebook etc
  • Send SMS from any number to any Number like , 03333333, 1122, 15, 123456,
  • You can send SMS from your Friend's Number to anyOne
  • You can Send SMS from Mobile, Computer, Laptop (Special Offer for Android, iPhone, Symbion, BlackBerry etc)
Buy Fake SMS
Fake SMS Packages
  1. Its Price is Very Low so everybody can Afford this
  2. One time Payment Only

Contact Us to Get Software
Skype Id = AbdulwahabGondal
Email Id =

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