Thursday 9 May 2013

Free Download Pandora Recovery 2.1.1

You'd be forgiven for thinking that Pandora Recovery is associated with the Pandora Genome music project but in actual fact, this utility has nothing to do with music. It's quite simply, a file restoration utility that attempts to help you when you've accidentally deleted a file. Pandora Recovery can recover files permanently from the Recycle Bin, simply by using the Shift + Delete keys by passing. What'smore, according to the program's developer, it can recover files up to a month after they were deleted. However,it's very unlikely you'll be able to recover something that's been deleted so long ago because of file"deterioration" (although the developers claim users have been able to recover files five years after deletion!). This may all sound a bitfar-fetched, but when you delete a file on a FAT32 or NTFS file system, its content is not totally erased from disk. Only the reference to file data inFile All ocation Table or Master File Table is marked as deleted, which means that some times you can make it visible again. The types of file you can recover are quite wide-ranging, including pictures, songs, movies and documents. Note though that you have a much greater chance of recovering data lost after the program has been installed because it scans your hard drive and builds an index of existing and deleted files and directories (folders). This gives you much greater control over which filesto recover. There are no guarantees that Pandora Recovery can help you restore accidentally-deleted data but if there is any trace of it left, Pandora should be able to give it a darned good go.
Clic­k Here To Download

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